"Bonhoeffer" Movie Screening

Social Justice Film Series Continues with "Bonhoeffer"

by Joe Scarry

On May 6, we will have the opportunity to look at the experience of the WWII-era Lutheran theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed by the Nazi regime for his acts of resistance.We will be screening and discussing Martin Doblmeier’s film “Bonhoeffer”. Our guests for the discussion will include people knowledgeable about modern-day resisters against militarism, such as Bradley Manning.  This film is a part of our 4-week adult education series in the weeks leading up to the NATO summit in Chicago: NATO: A Mighty Fortress is Our God?For me, the importance of the film "Bonhoeffer" is that it acts as a bridge between the state of continuous warfare that we Americans are witnessing today and the state of continuous warfare that Bonhoeffer witnessed and stood up against in Germany in the 1940s.  When watching the black and white footage that fills "Bonhoeffer," I ask myself, "Was it as obvious to Bonhoeffer at the time, as it seems today in hindsight, that all those acts of war and aggression were wrong? Did that make it easy for him to decide to resist?"  And I wonder: how different is the war and aggression that I am seeing in technicolor today from that which Bonhoeffer witnessed in the Europe of his day?  Are our choices really any different than his?We look forward to viewing "Bonhoeffer" with you on Sunday, May 6, at 2 pm, and discussing these and related questions!Read about past installments in the St. Luke's Social Justice Film Series:

  • December, 2011: "The Response" about detention of "unlawful enemy combatants" at Guantanamo
  • March, 2012: "The Interrupters" about the efforts of Ceasefire to reduce violence in Chicago neighborhoods
  • Additional screening/discussions are in the works for June, July, and August ....

Speak with members of the St. Luke's Social Justice committee or email the church office mail at office@stlukels.org or call 773-235-5420 to get involved with upcoming screenings and other activities!

St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Logan Square is located at 2649 N. Francisco Ave, Chicago, IL, 60647

Ascension Sunday: What Will We Lift Up?


NATO: A Mighty Fortress is Our God?