Worship Services
Sunday morning worship is in-person at 11:00 a.m.
3325 W Wrightwood Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
(773) 235-5420
Public Transit– We are located directly in front of the 82 Kimball-Homan bus stop, or 0.3 miles from the Logan Square Blue Line Station (exit to the southwest).
Parking– We do not have a parking lot. Free street parking is available on both sides of Kimball Avenue. Street parking on Wrightwood Avenue is permit only. Please allow 10 minutes to park and find your way, as you may need to park a few blocks away.
What to Expect
We offer Holy Communion every Sunday.
Worship is the heartbeat that feeds our life together as a community. Here we learn about God's radical welcome extended to all people.
We listen to the stories that have nurtured and shaped our faith. We share a meal that makes God present to us at a table wide enough for everyone to find a place. We are sent out into the world to love and serve our neighbors.
Our worship is traditional in the sense that it takes its shape and purpose from the traditions that Christians, and in particular Lutherans, have followed for centuries.
At the same time, it is contemporary in the sense that our words, our songs, and our prayers reflect the many cultures and concerns that surround us - both locally and globally.
To access our front doors requires climbing two outside stairs. Once inside the front doors, 12 stairs lead up to the sanctuary, or 12 stairs lead down to the fellowship hall. A lift is accessible at sidewalk level that provides access to both levels.
Most seating is in pews, but there are also sturdy wooden chairs (with no arms) and spaces that would allow for wheelchairs or other mobility devices.
The side chapel, which is directly adjacent and open to the sanctuary, includes a soft couch and rocking chair, along with an area of books and toys. Worship includes amplified voices, live music, percussion, and people noises.
Worship Resources
Bulletins and hymnals are provided for worshippers to follow along. Both are primarily in English. Large-print bulletins are available upon request.
At this time, there is an all-gender restroom on the sanctuary level (accessible by climbing one stair from the sanctuary), and men’s and women’s bathrooms on the lower level (accessible without climbing stairs but not yet fully ADA-compliant). The downstairs bathrooms, as well as the Sunday School room, have infant/toddler changing tables. Plans are in development to renovate the restrooms and increase accessibility.
Please reach out to Pastor Erin (pastorerin@stlukesLS.org) to talk about your particular accessibility needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I have to introduce myself?
Relax and be yourself - you won't be asked to stand and say your name. Since St. Luke's is a small, growing community, you can expect to be greeted warmly when you walk in the door. We are looking forward to resuming coffee hour when it is safe to do so, an opportunity to meet others over coffee/hot chocolate and snacks.
What happens at a typical worship service?
Worship at St. Luke's follows a pattern as we celebrate the story of God's love for all creation (including us!). Each week we take time to gather, we listen to God's Word, we share a small meal of bread and wine/grape juice, and we are sent out for service in the world.
Are kids welcome? Is there a daycare during the service?
Children are certainly welcome at St. Luke's. Our sanctuary has a “side chapel” with a couch and rocking chair for infants and a quiet play area for children kindergarten aged and younger, both of which require parental supervision. We do not provide childcare during worship but encourage families to worship together.
How do I know what’s going to happen during the service?
You'll be given a worship guide when you walk in. The bulletin will tell you everything you need to know, with little explanations in the margins about why we do certain things in worship.
What should I wear?
People come to St. Luke's from all walks of life, and you can see it in the way they dress. God accepts you as you are, not as you're dressed.
When do I stand or sit? Do I have to stand?
The worship leader will invite you to stand and sit throughout the service. You can also tell by looking for the asterisk (*) that indicates that you may stand, as you are able.
Will I have to sing in worship?
St. Luke's has a strong tradition of singing hymns in worship. You are invited to join in singing when you feel comfortable.
Do I have to put money in the offering plate?
You don't have to give anything. Offering is a chance to give from your abundance. It's a way to acknowledge the many gifts that God has given us. If you do share a gift, you can be sure it will be used for God's work in the neighborhood and shared with brothers and sisters in need across the nation and around the world.
Do I have to be Lutheran to take communion?
At St. Luke's, anyone who desires to encounter the real presence of God is welcome to come forward for communion. You don't have to be a member, you don't have to even be Lutheran.
If you have additional questions, you can ask anyone at the service, or you may also send an e-mail to Pastor Erin Coleman Branchaud, pastorerin@stlukesls.org, any time.
COVID Precautions
The Reuniting St. Luke’s Task Force has thoughtfully, carefully, and prayerfully developed a set of guidelines to help St. Luke’s worship safely in person. In doing so, they consulted local, denominational, and scientific resources. Here the most recent version of those guidelines:
Masks are welcome but not required at this time.
Vaccination is strongly encouraged for everyone as recommended by your medical professional.
You are asked to stay home if you are feeling sick.
When it’s time to pass the peace, we will default no- or low-touch greetings to one another, such as a wave, elbow bump, or “Peace be with you!”
During the offering we won’t pass the offering plates, but will instead remind each other to be generous to our community as an outpouring of gratitude for God’s abundance. Online giving is strongly encouraged! An offering plate will be available at a podium in the sanctuary for those who wish to give via cash or check.
Before distributing Holy Communion, the ministers will sanitize their hands. Wine/juice will be offered in tiny individual plastic cups.
Updated: February 7, 2024
By attending worship in person, you are agreeing to abide by these guidelines. If you have questions or concerns about these guidelines, please reach out to Andrew Malone (a.g.o.malone@gmail.com).