Farmer's Market Gleaners


by Rachel Dahlgren

Neighbors and friends of St. Luke's:Every Sunday, at the end of the Farmer's Market in Logan Square, Pat and Dorothea Kuhlman go around to the vendors and collect any "leftover" or "donated" food for Elijah's Food Pantry.  This is a great opportunity to assure that the food pantry clients have access to good, nutritious healthy food.  We are looking for one volunteer per week to help the ladies collect food and deliver it to St. Luke's afterwards.  This involves meeting Pat and Dorothea at around 2:30, visiting the vendors to collect food, loading up the Kuhlman's car, and delivering it back to the church.  Depending on how much food there is, we usually wrap up between 3:30 and 4. This is not a huge time commitment, but a huge help!If you are able, please sign-up here for a Sunday or two to help them out with this effort over the summer!


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Vacation Bible School 2013