A School for Prophets: Summer 2013 Adult Education Series
by Erika Dornfeld
“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” -- The prophet Martin Luther King, Jr., “I Have a Dream” speech
“But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” -- The prophet Amos, Amos 5:24, NRSV
Today, our world is full of prophets, who speak a word of truth in places of power and injustice. We read their articles and op-eds, listen to their speeches, and watch them march. Their words resonate with us long after the sound has stopped. We become inspired to action, perhaps even to speak out ourselves. Such people are often seen as extraordinary personalities of their day. Yet prophets are also very ordinary people—they can be found in every time and place since Abraham. As people of faith, we inherit a rich tradition of prophetic speeches in Scripture.This summer, St. Luke's has been using the semi-continuous lectionary series of readings for worship that takes us through several of the major prophets. We will hear from Elijah and Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Jeremiah. What are the stories they sought to tell, and just what made them prophetic? What issues of justice were they speaking out on? For ten weeks this summer, adult education at St. Luke's will explore each of these prophets, asking of each: What did it mean to speak prophetically? As a congregation and individuals, we continue to find ways of branching out into our communities. This will allow us the opportunity to explore our prophetic roots. How might these prophetic voices shape our own today?Led by a variety of teachers, this summer series is divided into five two-week units. Each unit will cover a specific prophet and their work. Come and go as you are able throughout the summer; each unit will be self-contained. All classes will look at some common themes between the authors, as well as the unique voice of each prophet.Beginning June 30th at 9am, bring your coffee and curiosity about some of the richest and quoted books of the Bible. Elijah and Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah and Jeremiah—God spoke through all of them to trouble the waters so that justice might flow. All had hopes, fears, struggles and successes. We invite you to learn and reflect with us about prophetic witness, both theirs and our own.In Peace,
Erika Dornfeld, Greg Singleton, and Ray Pickett
A School for Prophets
Sunday mornings from 9am - 10am in the Lesher Lounge
June 30 -- September 1, 2013
6/30 & 7/7 : "Elijah & Elisha - A Community of Prophets," taught by Ray Pickett
7/14 & 7/21 : "Amos," taught by Greg Singleton
7/28 & 8/4 : "Hosea," taught by Erika Dornfeld
8/11 & 8/18 : "Isaiah," taught by Ray Pickett
8/25 & 9/1 : "Jeremiah," taught by Greg Singleton