Two Feasts -- Poetry for the Feast of the Nativity
ASK GREGDecember 24, 2013There are no more questions in the in-box. The pastor and I will soon discuss whether this space on the parish blog-spot has run its course. In the meantime, in lieu of a response to a question I offer the following steam-of-consciousness seasonal thoughts:
Christmas Eve with Luke,The Feast of the Nativity;A Woman with child,A man with faithIn the woman he has not known;The woman trusts the GodWho sends her bittersweet tidings.Shepherds hear voices in the air;Singing, they said,But the senses play tricksOn those who keep lonely watchBy night.They make their wayTo a rustic make-shift templeHolding the divine infantIn the midst of barn-yard smells.
Christmas morning with John,The Feast of the IncarnationHeralding the Word made flesh;No birth story this,No story at all really,But a proclamationWith just a touch Of Gnosis;Theology on tap toPlease Platonic sensibilitiesAnd confuseConcrete mentalities.Whichever feast we chooseIt just doesn’t cut itIn the pantheonOf ancient lore.A proper God remains aloofFrom the human conditionAnd affects a disinterested attitudeWhile scowling fromOlympian heights.But if this God had notTorn open the heavensTo come to usIn vulnerability,Would we ever knowA love we can trust?