LSEA Wants You!

St. Luke's Folks! Logan Square Ecumenical Alliance (LSEA) Wants YOU!LSEAMany members of the St. Luke's community have enjoyed participating in the social justice-oriented activities of the Logan Square Ecumenical Alliance (LSEA), from the first "Occupy Palm Sunday!" event in 2012 to the "We Who Are Many Are One: From the Lord's Table to Every Table" event just this past Palm Sunday, and many others in-between. (See the LSEA website for more.)In recent months, LSEA has taken several steps to make it easier for lay members to become involved in and help lead LSEA, including several Saturday introductory and training sessions. Now, LSEA has decided to move to an evening time for its monthly meetings, so that it will be easier for everyone to participate.The first monthly meeting at the new time will take place Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. The location for this meeting will be Humboldt Park United Methodist Church (HPUMC) at 2120 N Mozart. Our plan is to rotate meeting locations so that we can increase our familiarity with each of our respective churches. This meeting will include a pot-luck meal.The May 19 meeting will focus on familiarizing people with LSEA activities, and helping them to get to know each other, so it will be a wonderful opportunity for those getting involved for the first time to attend.All are welcome! Please feel free to contact Joe Scarry at to learn more.


Pentecost Geraniums


All Are Welcome