Heartland Health Outreach
Parish Nurse Marie Claire Narcisse, RN, is particularly good at connecting people to together that resources are shared. Her work in bringing the foot doctors to clients here at St. Luke's Lutheran Church of Logan Square has been a great benefit to the community. She has now connected with dentists through Heartland Health Outreach. These dentists offer services at Uptown Health Center.Services include:
- Fillings
- Cleanings
- Simple Extractions
- Comprehensive exams and x-rays
- Simple and deep cleanings covered for pregnant participants with Medicaid
- Specialist referrals through a network of providers
- Treatment for people who are HIV positive
For questions, general information or to schedule an appointment, please call the front desk staff at the Uptown Health Center: (773)275-2586And don't hesitate to ask Marie if you have any questions. (parishnurse@stlukesLS.org)SBessie15081412220