Coffee Hour Hosts

If you've been wondering more about how you can get involved in the ministry of hospitality through coffee hour, you've come to the right place! Read below and indicate you're readiness to serve as a host on a Sunday on the sign up sheet in the Gathering Space!

Coffee Hour Hosts play an essential role in the offering of hospitality at St. Luke’s. Through their dedicated service, Coffee Hour Hosts make room for visitors and members alike to interact socially and minister to one another.Coffee Hour Hosts are in charge of preparing coffee. Since our percolator makes plenty of coffee, we leave the coffee out for the members of Nuestra Señora de las Americas. If you are able to stick around, please make sure that everything is cleaned up and put away or hand off that responsibility to the next group of people.If a particular host would like to do anything above and beyond (provide snacks or invite conversation around a particular topic agreed upon with Pastor Erik) they are welcome to do so.
Below is a description of how to prepare the coffee:
  1. Arrive at church early, around 9:30.
  2. To make coffee:

- Fill a percolator with water to the 36-cups line- Put the pipe in the hole in the bottom of the percolator- Get the coffee out of the tall cupboard to the right of the sink.- Fill the plastic filter with (I think?) 2 cups of coffee grounds…roughly 1/3 of a bag. (instructions are on the side of the coffee bag as well).- Put the filter on top of the pipe- Put the lid on, and plug in the percolator.- Chill out for about 30-40 minutes.- When the light on the percolator turns on, the coffee’s ready. Bring it out to the front of the church, and let anyone nearby know that it’s ready.- Have some coffee

  1. This makes more than enough coffee, and it stays hot until after service, so it will be ready right after church is over.

"$2 A Day: Living on Almost Nothing in America"


Justice Offering May 2016