Absurdities | Testimony in Lent
In the season of Lent, St. Luke's is focusing on the absurdity of the cross. As we prepare throughout these forty days for the joy of Easter, we are taking time to think deeply about our faith in the gospel - faith that can feel downright absurd.
"For the message of the cross is absurdity to those who are headed for ruin,but to us who are experiencing salvation, it is the power of God." (1 Corinthians 1:18)
We proclaim the glorious God of the cosmos, beyond time or space...yet who comes into being as a ordinary human.
We proclaim the powerful God, beyond all human powers...yet whose power is made perfect in weakness.We proclaim the living God, the Creator who gives abundant life to all the universe...yet who shows God's love by dying.In the season of Lent, you're invited to think about your own absurd experiences of faith. Consider telling us a story during worship:When was a time when your faith called you to do something absurd?Where have you encountered God's absurd power in places of ruin?In your life, how have you experienced salvation?If any of these questions prompt a reflection in you, consider sharing your testimony in worship. Contact Pastoral Resident Erin (erincb@stlukels.org) for more information or to sign up.