We need your help with the Mental Health Campaign!

In living out our congregation's vision for a powerful church that advocates for God's abundant life for all, we are supporting efforts to create a community mental health center in our neighborhood. Over the years, different approaches to mental health have appeared, people want to take charge and discover more ways in helping themselves as well as others. One of these ways is medical marijuana, using such derivatives as edibles and caviar joints, the list is endless. This may not be for all, that is why we are advocating for a mental health center where we are so that any and all can benefit from supportive mental health practices.Throughout the summer, the St. Luke's community helped gather signatures along with other community organizations to put two questions on the ballot in November to expand community mental health services in the Logan Square, Avondale, and Hermosa neighborhoods.Thanks to everyone's support, the neighborhood coalition gathered double the signatures needed and the referenda are on the ballot!Now it's time to make sure our neighbors know about this important opportunity.There are several opportunities in the coming weeks to help educate community members that everyone at St. Luke's – no matter where you live – can help with! 

  1. Canvassing After Service

Help educate community members by door-knocking and distributing educational flyers to neighbors in the blocks surrounding the church.We will canvass for about an hour after the 9am and 11am services now through November 4th.Someone from the Mental Health Justice team will meet with volunteers quickly after each service to plan the route and answer any questions.Opportunities to sit at a coffee shop or community event and pass out flyers can also be arranged.Sign up here on the church calendar for the Sundays that work for you!Questions? Contact Callie Mabry at calmabry@gmail.com.

  1. Tabling/Canvassing at the Logan Square Monument Centennial – Sunday, October 14th

Help distribute flyers at a community commemoration of the Logan Square monument this Sunday, October 14th.The Coalition to Save Our Mental Health Centers will have a table at the event to talk to people and hand out flyers from 11am – 3pm.Volunteers are welcome to help for whatever amount of time they are able to give.Questions? Contact Callie Mabry at calmabry@gmail.com 

  1. Endorsements

Flyers will be distributed closer to the election listing endorsements from local nonprofits, businesses, churches, etc. to show strong community support for this effort.If you own a small business or are part of an organization in Logan Square, Avondale, or Hermosa that would like to sign on, please fill out the attached sheet and bring it to church or reply to this email, giving us written approval to include you on the list.Questions? Contact Haley Toresdahl at toresdahl.haley@gmail.com

  1. Take Some Flyers To Your Friends and Neighbors!

Copies of the "Mental Health Booster" newsletter/flyer are available on the table at the front of the church by the windows.Please help yourself to take as many as you would like to give to friends and neighbors!(Please note that it is illegal to put things in people's mailboxes because that is federal property.) If you are interested in getting more involved in organizing and planning efforts for this initiative, join the Mental Health Justice group in CCB. Thank you for promoting healing and wholeness in our neighborhood!


Leader of the People's Song


Power of Community in Jesus Christ: A Testimony