Lent is for kids too
We come from the earth and will return to the earth.
We hold our connection to the earth,
we celebrate our resurrection,
through the baptismal waters.
And the waters of baptism are open to everyone:
everyone old
everyone young
everyone somewhere in the middle too
And so Lent is for everyone
Even you
During Advent we used a wreath with candles to draw attention to that special season of waiting.
This Lent we invite the St Luke's community to find two bowls to place on a purple cloth in your homes. Find a spot that feels sacred or a space that you're willing to set aside this Lent. Is that by a window or on a table? It could be anywhere for:
"There is nothing so secular that it cannot be sacred, and that is one of the deepest messages of the Incarnation." -Madeleine L'Engle
Fill one of the bowls with earth. Fill the other bowl with water.
How might you interact with the water and the earth during your prayers? Maybe you mark your forehead with the sign of the cross before prayer.
Maybe you place them near a window and put a seed deep in the earth slowly watering it with the water from your bowl waiting for a sprout to emerge. Maybe you touch the earth and remember that you are earth and to earth you will return.
Each week at our Sunday service we will also present an opportunity or idea for a way to keep Lent together.
And in case you haven't noticed, while this invitation to practice is theoretically "for kids," you too adult are a bodily creature who is from earth and will return to the earth. So this is for you too.