Church Together Online
Dear friends,I do not cease to give thanks for you as I remember you in my prayers. (Ephesians 1:16)I have been thinking of you and holding you in prayer and love in these days of extraordinary uncertainty and change. Pastoral Intern Elle prayed yesterday in her live prayer video: "Holy God, during times of uncertainty and chaos and mess, you are constant. And you are with us." I pray that you would feel that constant divine presence with you today, wherever you find yourself.We are all trying to be creative as we figure out how to be connected in new ways. I want to tell you about a few opportunities to connect with your St. Luke's community during this time of pandemic.But first, a note about technology: The two primary tools that we're using are Facebook Live and Zoom. Facebook Live is how we stream Sunday morning worship, Wednesday evening prayer, and daily content. You can see what we're sharing today on our Facebook page: Since our page is public, you can see our content even if you don't have a Facebook account! Check out the graphic at the top of this post for the weekly rhythm of what to expect from us each day on social media.Zoom is how we gather for meetings and conversation. You can create a Zoom account and download the software to your computer for free. at this link: Or if you prefer, most Zoom meetings have a call-in number that you can use to join the conversation from any phone.If either of those tools is new to you, we want to help. Please set up a time to talk to me, either by replying to this email or adding a meeting to my calendar at this link. I am happy to talk you through the technology. We want to connect with you.We are also paying special attention to the people in our community who have little or no access to the internet, those who may need support getting by, and those who want to help. Look for another post soon, sharing plans and invitations for community care.Warmly,Pastor Erin__________________WEEKLY [online] at ST. LUKE'S:
ONLINE WORSHIP | Sundays at 10 AM | Facebook LiveJoin us for worship every Sunday morning at 10 AM on Facebook Live. During this time of pandemic, the church all over the world is working to discern how our liturgy can be flexible, creative, and resilient. Your feedback is welcome. The Online Worship Guide (bulletin) will be sent out later this week.Find the livestream on our public Facebook page: you do not have a facebook account, click the small blue letters that read "Not Now" (found under the bright green "Create New Account" button) when prompted to login.
ONLINE SUNDAY SCHOOL | Sundays at 4 PM | Zoom callThe children of St. Luke’s are invited to join a Zoom call on Sunday afternoons at 4pm. We will greet each other, do a creative check-in, work on memorizing Psalm 121 together, sing with Bev, and read a Bible story together. All children are welcome!JOIN ZOOM MEETINGOnline: Meeting ID: 941 397 803Call from mobile: +13126266799,,941397803#Call from landline: +1 312 626 6799
BIBLE STUDY | Tuesdays in Lent, 7:00-8:30 p.m. | Zoom callLent is a season of reflection and hope. St. Luke's Lenten Bible Study, led by SommerAnn McCullough and Pastor Erin, will allow us to dive deeper into the Scripture we are reading each Sunday in church. You are invited to attend any of the weekly discussions. Each discussion stands alone, so there is no expectation to attend more than one depending on your availability. Contact SommerAnn if you plan on attending so we know to expect you: or 630-715-0416.JOIN ZOOM MEETINGOnline: Meeting ID: 677 268 008Call from mobile: +13126266799,,677268008# US (Chicago)Call from landline: +1 312 626 6799, Meeting ID: 677 268 008
LENTEN SUPPER & STUDY: BAPTISM | Wednesdays in Lent, 5:45-6:45 p.m. | Zoom callBring your dinner, gather around the computer, and join us on Zoom! The remaining Wednesdays in Lent (March 25, and April 1) we discuss the sacrament of baptism: the waters of God's grace in the wilderness of our lives. Each week we'll discuss a different aspect or image of baptism--water, oil, death, new life, gift, journey--as together we explore the mystery of God's love made real to us in water. Children and people of all ages are welcome.JOIN ZOOM MEETINGOnline:, Meeting ID: 494 277 140Call from mobile: +13126266799,,494277140#Call from landline: +1 312 626 6799 Meeting ID: 494 277 140
EVENING PRAYER | Wednesdays in Lent, 7:00 p.m. | Facebook LiveIn Lent, the church attends to fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. We take time to ponder the mystery of the cross, God's love that saves us. Join us for a brief service of evening prayer, led from our homes on Facebook Live. In our singing, and in our sighs too deep for words, we are breathing prayer to God.Find the livestream on our public Facebook page: you do not have a facebook account, click the small blue letters that read "Not Now" (found under the bright green "Create New Account" button) when prompted to login.+++