August Thanksgivings

“My heart is steadfast./ I will sing and make melody./ Awake my soul!” the psalmist exclaims in Psalm 57.

As the pandemic ensues and our steadfastness becomes challenged, the St. Luke’s Council recognizes that many of us really miss singing and making music together in church. This August, Council extends its thanksgiving to the musicians who have diligently enriched our online worship services with recorded music. In addition to several members who have recorded music parts for special worship services, the Council would like to recognize those who have steadily recorded musical contributions throughout this pandemic:- The Byrley Family (Mike, tenor/bass and occasionally alto singer and percussion; Anika, oboe; Orla, singer, bell ringer and percussion; and Emmett, percussion and bell ringing)- Rachel Daley (singer, soprano/alto)- Marit Johnson (singer, soprano/alto)- Alyson Hankwitz (singer, alto)- Pastor Erin (singer, soprano/alto and percussion; a special thanks for Pr. Erin who blends each individual recording into a master sound mix so that each part is synchronous with every song and melody)St. Luke’s Cantor Bev Jedynak recognized these individual’s contributions with this recent praise:“So few people for such good music! I can vouch that unlike making music in person, the perfectionist in musicians comes out when recording, and sometimes it takes more than one take! These folks have been faithful at helping maintain (as best as we can due to circumstances) the faithful musical proclamation that St. Luke's has come to know and cherish. Heartful thanks to each of these individuals for so graciously sharing their gifts.”The Council wholeheartedly agrees. So whether you sing out loud with family in the living room as you watch online worship, or you hum a hymn to yourself in bed, or you repeat a familiar chorus to mark twenty seconds to wash your hands, or you whisper under your mask a playful tune stuck while at the grocery store, or simply let yourself be immersed in the deep, abiding peace of listening to the whims and vibrations that beat together in rhythmic spontaneity; know that you are not alone. God’s creation singing out in joy, so may we hear and rejoice in the reverberations that awaken our soul, uniting our being together in faith and community.Anyone interested who is musically inclined and would like to participate in this way may also reach out to Bev at and she will be more than happy to loop you into any upcoming opportunities. Plus: check out St. Luke’s Facebook page for new sounds and videos from around the St. Luke’s community, making music all across Chicagoland.


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