Epiphany Proclamation

Have you ever heard of the Epiphany Proclamation? AKA Bring-Your-Calendar-to-Church Day?

While a day like Christmas is fixed in our minds and on the calendars on December 25th, many of the important feasts of the Church year move, based upon the date that Easter is set. In ancient times before calendars were common, most people did not know the dates for the upcoming liturgical year. On Epiphany (January 6), the upcoming dates were proclaimed after the gospel in this way.

More than a simple scheduling tool, this is a spiritual practice of looking ahead and marking holy spaces on our calendars. God's mysteries will break into our human timelines again and again, in spite of everything.

Know, dear siblings, that, as we have rejoiced at the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ, so by leave of God's mercy we announce to you also the joy of Christ's Resurrection, who is our Savior.

On the seventeenth day of February will fall Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the fast of the most sacred Lenten season.

On the fourth day of April you will celebrate with joy Easter Day, the Paschal feast of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On the thirteenth day of May will be the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ.

On the twenty-third day of May, the feast of Pentecost.
On the sixth day of June, the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ.

On the twenty-eighth day of November, the First Sunday of the Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ,

To whom is honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen.


vo·ca·tion | worship in the time after epiphany


December Thanksgivings