COVENANT | Worship in Lent
Worship at St. Luke's in the season of Lent will focus on the theme of COVENANT: God’s good news for our bad situations. Each Sunday in Lent will bring us the story of a covenant that God makes in the Hebrew Scriptures, and each Sunday is also an opportunity to reflect on the covenant made with each of us in baptism. God’s covenant may be with an individual--as in the covenant made with each of us in our baptisms--or with a group of people--as in the covenant made with Abraham and Sarah and their descendants--but it is a covenant for the sake of the whole world.
February 21 | THE RAINBOWFirst Sunday in LentGenesis 9:8-17 | The rainbow, sign of God’s covenantMark 1:9-15 | The temptation of Jesus in the wilderness for forty days
February 28 | THE BLESSINGSecond Sunday in LentGenesis 17:1-7, 15-16 | God blesses Abraham and SarahMark 8:31-38 | The passion prediction
March 7 | THE COMMANDMENTSThird Sunday in LentExodus 20:1-17 | The commandments are given at SinaiJohn 2:13-22 | The cleansing of the temple
March 14 | THE LIFTING UPFourth Sunday in LentNumbers 21:4-9 | The lifting up of the serpentJohn 3:14-21 | The lifting up of the Son of Man
March 21 | THE HEARTFifth Sunday in LentJeremiah 31:31-34 | A new covenant written on the heartJohn 12:20-33 | The grain of wheat dying in the earth
March 28 | THE CROSSPassion/Palm SundayIsaiah 50:4-9a | The servant of the Lord submits to sufferingMark 14:1--15:47 | The passion of the Lord