Power of Community in Jesus Christ: A Testimony
he knowledge that such a community exists—a community that will support me even when all else fails—has helped me to be brave in those moments when I’m not sure I’m going to make it or succeed.
Whining: A Testimony
God is empowering us to build a powerful church through these relationships...
Serving together at St. Luke's
Being organized and powerful is a good thing when we're building up the Body of Christ and serving our neighbors.
a sermon from August 26, 2018 by Luke M. Allgeyer
because there was a timewhen god,alongside all god’s creaturesalso lived and felt and ached and died.
Welcome September!
However you recognize the arrival of fall, we hope you will join us for a month of celebrating the mission and ministry of St. Luke’s, most certainly a powerful church that transforms lives and changes the world!
When We Come Together, a reflection by Cantor Bev Jedynak
And when we come together the first thing we do is: SING!