Balance: Yoga @ St. Luke's with Rachel Dahlgren
There is a “just right” space that we want to be in as we attempt various yoga postures and the “just right” space varies from person to person.
Saying Farewell and Saying Hello: A Letter from St. Luke's Council
As usual, St. Luke’s will be busy over the next few months. We will bid farewell to Transitional Pastor Brooke and welcome Pastor Erin. We will focus on “Growing in Generosity” in November, and celebrate Advent and Christmas in December.
Leader of the People's Song
Music is one way that I pray. I feel God’s presence very strongly through music.
Serving together at St. Luke's
Being organized and powerful is a good thing when we're building up the Body of Christ and serving our neighbors.
Abandon Societal Expectations: A Play Workshop
Play spaces encourage us to shed some of our adherence to social constructs in order to experiment with how we perceive ourselves and how we interact with others.