Summer Testimony Series | What is your story?
Maybe your story is as ordinary as a mustard seed, or as tender as the sound of God's voice. Whatever your story is, it's your story and it matters. Your stories are the stories of the people of God. And we'd like to hear them...
a sermon for beholding and abiding
"If we take our full selves with us this evening to the proximity of the cross, we might ask how an unjust legal system and police forces continue to murder African-American males, including Stephon Clark? Or how xenophobia continues to sow distrust, anger, hate amongst God’s creation? Or how a sibling look can another sibling and say: you do not belong because of your sexuality."
a sermon for those who think they get it and finding hope
"For when we set our minds on divine things, when we do take up our cross for the sake of Jesus, and the sake of the gospel, for when we step into the boldness of the journey of lent, we find hope in the midst of this suffering. "
a sermon on using water to redefine relationships
but nowin today’s gospelwe encounter a Jesuswho uses water to redefine what relationships might be.