CROSSwalk - Monday, April 2
CROSSwalk is a four-mile, Holy Week procession across the heart of the Chicago to remember murdered youth and connect participants with opportunities to protect children and mitigate violence. CROSSwalk began as a conversation about honest, relevant liturgy that ties the pain and loss of Christian Holy Week with the reality of everyday life in Chicago. But it has also grown into a broad outreach effort, one hoping to link to individuals and communities hat have long been active, or would like to be active, on the issue of violence and youth.CROSSwalk will take place on Monday, April 2, beginning at 5:30 pm at St. James Cathedral, traveling through the Loop to stop at Daley Plaza, and proceeding to the lawn outside Stroger Hospital. Participants are welcome to walk the entire route or join at any point. Buses will also be available.For more information, contact Jack at All Saints Chicago at or (708) 380-0056. Participants can also sign up at