Sunday School at St. Luke's is Growing Rapidly!
by Libby A'Hearn GilmoreOur Sunday School program is growing rapidly at St. Luke's -- over the past few years we've seen it grow from just a handful of children to the point where we now have two full classes.Children’s Sunday School classes meet before church from 10:00 am -10:25 am. All ages begin together with a welcome song, Bible story and prayer. We encourage kids to share their observations, feelings and questions about the story.After the welcome and story, kids divide into 2 groups. Melissa and Kerry lead children 4 years old and under (and their parents) in games and movement activities that reinforce the Bible message. Libby and Christa teach children over 4 years old (parents optional) in art and discussion of the Bible story.Both classes use the Sparks curriculum from Augsburg Fortress. Check out a sample lesson from grades 1-2 here.At 10:25, Children go sit with their families in church for the first part of church. Pastor Erik invites kids up for a children’s sermon that goes along with the Sunday School message. Then, kids can choose to go up to the Sunday School room with our childcare providers, Allanna and John Lindquist, or remain with their families for the rest of the worship service. During childcare, Allanna and John facilitate play time and give the kids a chance to finish their art or activities from the Sunday School lesson. Allanna and John bring the kids back down to church so they can be with their families for "passing the peace", communion, and the final hymn and blessing.In Sunday School at St. Luke’s, we seek to create an environment where everyone is welcome to explore the big issues: Who is God? How can we love our neighbors? Whether your child is 3 or 13, he or she can join in the activities and conversation.CHILDREN’S EDUCATION TEAMLibby A’Hearn teaches 8th grade Social Studies in Franklin Park. In addition to teaching Sunday School, she sings in the church choir and is a member of the St. Luke’s Social Justice committee.Melissa Wimer teaches 3rd grade at Crow Island School in Winnetka. She enjoys teaching Sunday School at St Luke's and can also be found providing percussion for the choir on some Sundays.Allanna Lindquist is a stay at home mom with three children whose ages range from 9 month to 12 years. She and John were high school sweets hearts and have been happily together for 20 years.For more faith formation opportunities, follow here.