Discovering the Prophets, Jesus of Nazereth, Jesus the Christ, and Ourselves

adultSundaySchool-300x199This summer we have discovered / rediscovered the prophets (particularly Elijah, Elisha, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, and Jeremiah) in the Sunday readings and the sermons.  A small group has taken a more intense look at each of these before worship during the weeks of the long green season leading us into fall.  We have learned a great deal about the deep roots of our passion for social justice.The journey continues this fall by discovering, through a series of alternative lectionary readings, the deep roots of our passion for environmental stewardship.  In addition, we will discover / rediscover Jesus of Nazareth as a prophet and Jesus the Christ as our High Priest.  We will also discover / rediscover ourselves as a prophetic and priestly people called, baptized, and sent to love, forgive, proclaim, and act as the Body of our Lord in a world in need.Where will this journey take us?  Come and join us on Sundays at 9 am. We will have a variety of facilitators, but we will all teach one another and learn from one another.  We all have something to share.  Help us both discover and shape the path before us.


Constitution Approved


Isaiah: The Work of New Creation