June Justice Offering
Each month, St. Luke's collects a special Justice Offering, in addition to the regular offering, during the service on the first Sunday of the month. The Justice Offering is donated to a designated organization or cause. On June 1, 2014, the Justice Offering will be collected on behalf of Inclusive and Affirming Ministries (IAM) of South Africa. IAM advocates that the religious communities of South African and other African countries should become more welcoming and affirming towards Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.St. Luke's has a long-standing and growing relationship with IAM. This year, Judith Kotze and Ingrid Schoonraad of IAM will travel to Chicago for the weekend of June 13-15, and will be featured presenters at a series of events under the rubric "Chicago Forum on LGBTI Solidarity in Africa," organized by St. Luke's and others. In particular, please be sure to join us on Sunday, June 15, when our 10:30 worship will be a festival of welcome and celebration for our friends from IAM, with Judith Kotze preaching.Learn more at lgbtiafricachicago.blogspot.com and tell your friends!