Testimonies in Lent
Lent 1 - Rachel Dahlgrenexcerpt:
"I felt like a cog in a machine, with a more systemic approach than a humanisticapproach to the work that I had used to enjoy. This was very discouraging to me and I wanted to find aposition that was more in line with my values as a Christian and a social worker, where people are moreimportant than profits."
To read the rest of Rachel's testimony, please follow this link.Rachel Dahlgren Feb 2016
Lent 2 - Bill Keippelexcerpt:
"One day while sitting in the barracks, I started thinking about school. I went to the headquarters and had my records checked. My scores were high enough when I was drafted that I could come back on Monday morning..."
To read the rest of Bill's testimony, please follow this link. Bill Keippel Feb 2016
Lent 3 - Apostles' CreedA Creed is a concise statement of faith. Recognizing that our true unity comes to us as a gift from God, we join with churches around the world in reciting our creeds as one of the visible expressions of our underlying unity.
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again; he ascended into heaven, he is seated at the right hand of the Father, and he will come to judge the living and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.
Lent 4 - Peter Wilhelmexcerpt:
"Of course, to be truly generous, to truly follow God’s command, would mean sharing all I have with those who need it. But I confess that I can’t do that..."
To read the rest of Peter's testimony, please follow this link. Peter Wilhelm Mar 2016
Lent 5 - SommerAnn McCulloughexcerpt:
"Of course I wanted to return to France with fresh baguettes, and daily cappuccinos, and a break from the intense daily routine of social justice, inequality, and systematic racism that I had been living in for the past year. LVC had been everything I had hoped for-truly giving back to the community, taking on tough, confusing issues in the modern world, and thinking how I could be part of the solution to help a community suffering from social and economic injustice..."
To read the rest of SommerAnn's testimony, please follow this link. SommerAnn McCullough2016