March Justice Offering

The monthly social justice offering for March has been designated for Lutheran Social Services of Illinois. As many of you are aware, LSSI has recently had to make many cuts to programs and staff given the financial problems caused by the state budget impasse. Serving Illinois since 1867, LSSI is a statewide, not-for-profit social service organization of the three Illinois synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Last year LSSI served 73,000 people through 190 programs at 85 sites across Illinois. The demographics of clients served by LSSI generally reflect those of Illinois’ population, with one important exception—more than 80 percent of clients report an annual household income under $15,000, compared to just 12 percent of all Illinois households. The organization provides critical programs for the state’s most vulnerable residents including foster care, adoption, mental health services, alcohol and drug treatment, affordable senior housing, residential programs for people with developmental disabilities, and programs that help formerly incarcerated individuals integrate back into society. Two members of St. Luke’s, Rachel Dahlgren and Lora Salley, are currently employed at LSSI’s Portage Cragin Counseling Center. For more information, please talk to Rachel or Lora, or see the website at


Social Justice Committee THIS SUNDAY!


Introducing St. Luke's 2016 Council Members