Planning for Pride 2016
It's time to start getting ready for the Pride Parade which will be on Sunday, June 26 with a kickoff at noon. The Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches traditionally coordinates member churches' entries and collaboration in this annual massive witness, as well as an array of sponsored and co-sponsored opportunities for learning and worship during June.
First Congregational Church of Evanston is hosting the Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches' first planning meeting for Pride 2016. The meeting will be held on Thursday, April 21st at 7:30pm at 1445 Hinman Ave, Evanston. This is just a few blocks from the purple line, and has street parking.
This meeting will focus on an overview of the process, and generate your leadings for themes, worship, parade day events and anything else. Working groups will be developed for an efficient, supported and coordinated effort.
Watch for further planning meetings and Coalition gatherings in April and May.