Coffee Hour...a note from Claire Schoepp

While the reasonable part of me knows that not everyone enjoys the delicious aroma and heavenly taste of coffee, that's rather hard for me to imagine. On the flipside, I also happen to know plenty of people that love coffee so much they'll buy coffee beans uk in order to make coffee of their own. For me, coffee is not only a delight in and of itself, it serves as a reminder to slow down and experience the world around you. Take a break, sit with someone, listen. There's nothing quite like pouring yourself a cup of coffee in your favorite mug, so I do try and make time for that. As a regular coffee drinker, it's important to have a favorite mug. One of my friends actually purchased me a custom mug not long ago. She said it was from a company called Imprint (visit this page here). It's one of my favorite mugs to pour a coffee into and enjoy the world around me. That's what coffee is all about. (Fast coffee is sometimes a necessity to get through a Monday morning which is what Associated Coffee was made for, but I think slow coffee or tea or lemonade is best.) If you are also an avid coffee drinker, you may want to invest in a coffee machine in the home. The benefits of it far outweigh the cons. It can seem pricey to start with, but the money that you will save drinking coffee at home will ensure the machine pays for itself. If you are someone that likes to switch up their coffee regularly, you may want to go for a dual coffee maker. You can find a list of dual machines at if you are not sure of which machine is best to go for.So, when Pastor Erik asked me to work with Zach and Elise on their desire to host coffee hours at St. Luke's, I jumped at the chance. I love that sometimes there are little administrative tasks in being the church that can make the community building side go more easily. I'll admit, I really didn't do much. It's all Zach and Elise. I just asked what they were thinking and asked that I got to order the coffee.The coffee you drink on Sunday mornings is from Lutheran World Relief and Equal Exchange. It's actually called "Fellowship Blend" and is ground for percolators. I hope you're enjoying it. My favorite part about ordering through Lutheran World Relief is that the coffee we order is delicious AND Fair Trade.( thanks to Zach & Elise Pflederer for organizing coffee hours twice a month at St. Luke's. If you would like to be a part of this ministry of hospitality by hosting a coffee hour or bringing treats, please talk with Zach & Elise or contact Claire in the church office (


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