Host a BBQ or Picnic!

The summer offers an opportunity for us to come together socialize in a variety of fun settings.
Would you be willing to host a small St. Luke's BBQ or Picnic some time between mid June and mid July?
You pick the time, the place, and the event and the office will match you with 4-6 guests! We hope hosts will provide a main dish and ask others to bring additional food. If you can host, please let Claire in the office know when and where, and we'll start to set up the calendar. If you prefer not to host but would like to attend an event, sign ups will open as soon as we have a few events scheduled.
These events will be primarily social, but we'll ask each group to have a semi-structured discussion (prompts will be provided) on their hopes and vision for future space. Now that we have entered more formal conversation about future space sharing with other Logan Square congregations, these gatherings will provide an opportunity for members to offer their perspective on potential outcomes.
Side note: these events are akin to our 12th Night Dinners. Unlike the 12th Night Dinners, they will be offered on different dates to accommodate summer travel and vacation plans.
Questions? check with council members Peter Wilhelm, president( or Katie Baxter (

Storytelling Event


LSEA Bowling Party