Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches: Our Post Orlando Work
The Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches is committed – minimally - to these support strategies in this time:
- We will continue promoting gatherings of our members and friends.
- We ask you to share your needs and resources with us (email, Facebook etc) and any statements that may encourage and equip fellow members.
- Our Pride witness on 6/26 will include banners and materials in solidarity with Orlando, and the Dedication Service (11:45 at Parade site) planners will lift this tragic time as led.
Aware of the potential (and understandable) concerns for safety at the Parade, we ask you to remember that our mayor and police have committed extra security resources for the day. Also, while we each need to "count the cost" of attending or not attending, our collective presence WILL proclaim the power of the love that casts out fear. This love is not for idyllic times alone, but for facing into the faces of the powers and principalities that would limit our witness!In addition, we are committed during this Pride Season to maintaining our solidarity with the Chicago and nationwide movements which call attention to the tragic violence, corruption and racism in our urban and policing structures. This is a week to feel grateful for the vital work of first responders. We are grateful for their addressing of security concerns at our parade. Let us hold tenderly that this public trust is too often violated when institutional racism (or classism or homophobia..) lead to discrimination and violence, eroding the dignity of the public servants’ office.
- The Pride 2016 Committee plans to share a survey via email to help us evaluate our plans and envision for future expansion of CCWC’s work. Thanks in advance to Linda Khoury of Communications Committee for this.
- July 3: Black Pride Worship, 11am– 12:30pm, followed by “Potluck With A Purpose.” Discuss the experience of living at the intersection of Black, LGBTQ and Christian, 1:00p.m. – 3:30p.m. Co-sponsored by Lighthouse Church and Chicago Coalition of Welcoming Churches, Uptown Underground, 4707 North Broadway Street, Chicago, IL.
- July 24: “It’s for Real.” A Play and Workshop Presentation of About Face Theatre. 6pm. For youth 6th grade and up (younger children are welcome with their parents). Actors present their real life struggles with issues of race, class, sexuality, age, gender, self-esteem and family. Co-sponsored by Irving Park UMC and CCWC, a part of the Global Citizens Program of IPUMC and Eden UCC. Suggested donation $10.