Testimonies for the Season of Advent

%22it-is-now-the-moment-for-you-to-wake-from-sleep-%22-rom-13_11Testimonies for the Season of Advent

The season of Advent is one of expectation, one of waiting, one in which we are told to prepare. As the night becomes thicker around us and the cold settles into our bones, we are reminded to be vigilant and watch for the coming star. As we enter into this season of darkness, the promise of Advent reminds us that a light shines on the other side.

We are told that this is a time for us to stay awake. We must rouse ourselves from sleep and begin to watch, to pay attention — for the blossom that blooms in the desert, the shoot that grows from the stump, the child that is born to a virgin mother.

As we shift into this season of being awake and aware, we also shift into a new season of sharing testimonies within the community. We would like to extend you this invitation: Do you have a story to tell?

Our theme for Advent is drawn from the message in Paul’s letter to the Romans (Rom. 13:11-14). When in your life have you been roused from sleep? What event in your life has shaken you awake by its unexpected power? When have you found yourself suddenly aware? How did you react to being roused from sleep, and what were you called to do in once you were awake?

If you would like to share your story of waking into awareness, we encourage you to get in touch with Pastoral Intern Erin Coleman Branchaud (erincb@stlukesls.org) or Diaconal Intern Luke Allgeyer (lukea@stlukesls.org). They can answer questions, meet with you to discuss your story, and help to craft your shared testimony. These testimonies will be shared during Advent on the Sundays of Nov. 27, Dec. 4, Dec. 11, and Dec. 18. 


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