Antiracism Ministry at St. Luke's UPDATE

The St. Luke's Antiracism Ministry invites all who are interested to attend the next meeting at St. Luke's on January 19th from 12:15 PM to 1:45 PM.

On December 1st, the Ministry identified a need to develop a congregational mission statement to review from an antiracist perspective, a topic which we plan to revisit on January 19th. For the next meeting, members will also receive guidance so that we can start conducting intentional 1:1 conversations with each other. In addition, the group will work together to create a road map to outline the content and timing of the work that the Ministry would like to undertake over the next 3 years.St. Luke's was also invited by Another Pebble, the Antiracism Ministry of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA, to join several other congregations undertaking antiracism work at a congregational gathering at Concordia Place from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm on February 8, 2020:Skipping Stones: An Antiracism EncounterInteract With Metropolitan Chicago Synod Congregations Engaged In The Transformational Work Of Antiracism As We:*reflect on racism and its devastating effects*share how our congregations are doing*learn some tools to assist on our journey*enjoy some surprises "White Fragility"Finally, we discussed Chapter 3 of "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo, particularly what it means for white people and people of color, respectively, to be "sheltered" or safe in their communities. We also discussed the author's reference to "backstage" groups, in which groups of only white people interact differently than do "front-stage" groups that include people of color, and shared our interpretations and experiences of such "performances." On January 19th, we plan to revisit Chapter 3 as needed but primarily discuss Chapter 4. If you plan to attend, we encourage you to read Chapter 4 before the meeting and consider the below questions, as well as any other topics you wish to raise. However, please join us even if you do not have an opportunity to complete the reading in advance.

  1. In what settings have you experienced the expectation of white solidarity/racial silence? How has that expectation been communicated to you? How have you responded? What consequences have you faced or fear you will face by breaking with white solidarity?
  2. Discuss how various patterns of segregation across your lifespan shape your racial frame.
  3. Consider some aspects of your identity other than race (i.e., gender, sexuality, religion, class, ability, nationality, age). How does race shape how you experience these identities? For example, how might being white shape how you experience disability? Poverty? Gender identity and expression?

Tentative Agenda for January 19th

  1. Welcome: Name, Pronouns, and Check In on "How are you feeling?" (All)
  2. Review of Congregational Mission (Scott)
  3. Introduction to Intentional 1:1 Conversations (Ivan)
  4. Review Proposed Road Map (Ivan)
  5. "White Fragility" Discussion: Chapter 3, as Needed, and Chapter 4 (Grant)
  6. Action Items (All)
  7. Closing Prayer (Pastor Erin)

"Being Mortal"


Welcome to Diaconal Intern Lora Salley