Reuniting St. Luke's Phases 1-3
The Reuniting St. Luke’s Task Force had their first meeting over Zoom on Thursday, June 11. Members of the Task Force are: Marit Johnson, Andrew Malone, Genevieve Wasser, Laura Wilhelm and Pastor Erin Coleman Branchaud. The purpose of the meeting was to establish firm guidelines for the congregation and small group ministries that align with Phases 1-3 of the Restore Illinois plan.The next meeting of the Reuniting St. Luke's Task Force will focus on Phase 4 recommendations, which will be forwarded for the council’s consideration at their July meeting. If you have any questions or comments concerning the recommendations, please be in touch with Marit Johnson ( or one of the other members of the Task Force.View the guidelines as a PDF: Guidelines for Phases 1-3 of Restore Illinois
Guidelines for Phases 1-3 of Restore Illinois
Adopted by St. Luke’s Council on June 17, 2020
Phase 1 and 2When the Chicago region is in phase 1 or 2:
- There are no in-person gatherings and all ministry activities happen online or over the phone.
- People who are recording worship must record or stream from their homes.
- The church staff do not go into the office except for essential activities.
- Space sharing: Select individuals may use space upon request; times must be scheduled with the office to allow for social distancing.
- Individuals should clean and wipe down high touch areas before leaving. Stock of supplies will be provided.
- Run water for at least five minutes three times a week (if individuals have not been in the building/using water). This should be tracked.
- Weekly cleaning schedule.
- Pastoral care provided by phone or video chat; while phone and video chat are most preferred, Phase 2 may allow some social distance visits. Meeting outside is preferred.
- See funeral policy.
Phase 3 Beginning two weeks after the Chicago region has moved from phase 2 to phase 3:
- Online worship continues on Sundays at 10:10 a.m.
- Small groups of under 10 people may meet for St. Luke's ministry-related gatherings. Groups are required to practice social distancing, wear masks, not consume food (individually or shared), and meet outside. Any group meeting should have a virtual or phone participation option. Meeting in-person outside is at the discretion of the group. Group leaders are asked to make sure members adhere to these guidelines.
- If an individual is feeling sick or displaying any symptoms (fever, body aches, dry throat, loss of smell or taste, dry cough), questioning if they are sick, or may have been in contact with someone who is sick, they should not attend any small group in-person gatherings.
- Group leaders should provide the above guidelines to their small group in advance of the meeting.
- Small group leaders should have masks and hand sanitizer available for other group members. The church can provide those supplies to small group leaders.
- The pastoral staff may schedule socially distanced in-person pastoral care meetings, preferably outside. Phone pastoral care is still preferred. Staff continue to work from home whenever possible.
- Knowing that this is still a risky stage for vulnerable people, robust online ministry continues to be the priority for staff. Any individual or group that prefers to refrain from in-person gatherings is heartily encouraged to do so.
- Space sharing: Same as Phase 2.
- Weekly cleaning schedule.