Holy Week 2021
Dear friends,Like déjà vu, it's time to prepare for Holy Week in a pandemic... again. Last year at this time, the pandemic had just begun to disrupt our lives and the world. We didn't know during Holy Week 2020 that we would be in for another whole year of distance and isolation; a year full of fear and grief and loss. We could not have expected that in March 2021, we would be preparing for another Easter apart.There was a lot that we didn't know last Holy Week. But what we did know was that God's promises were real and dependable in spite of all that was happening around us and in spite of all that we did not know.As we prepare yet again to keep the Triduum--the great Three Days of Jesus's suffering, death, and resurrection--I invite you to hold fast to this great mystery of Easter. Again and again, God is making goodness out of evil, love out of hate, brightness out of shadow, life out of death. This is true even if we don't see it or can't feel it. It is true even in our despair and doubt.Sometimes Easter feels joyful and exuberant. Sometimes it feels bittersweet or laden with grief. However it feels for you this year, I invite you to show up. Bring your hopefulness and your pain, your alleluias and your tears. God holds it all together--death and resurrection--in one great mystery.In Christ,Pastor Erin
On PALM/PASSION SUNDAY, join us for worship and action. St. Luke's is proud of our tradition of taking our faith to the streets on Palm Sunday in honor of Jesus's triumphal entry into Jerusalem and confrontation with the empire.10:10 a.m. Online Worship on Facebook and YouTubeIf you'd like your very own palm for worship, sign up using our online form by Sunday, March 21st.2:30 p.m. Palm Sunday in Action--Affirming Care for Transgender People at Cook County JailThis year will be the TENTH annual Palm Sunday in which St. Luke's takes our faith to the streets, together with the Logan Square Ecumenical Alliance (LSEA)!! For this year's Palm Sunday action, the LSEA invites you to join us outside the Cook County Jail as we join SOUL (Southsiders Organized for Unity and Liberation) in demanding affirming care for transgender people in CCJ.Jesus's love for all people--especially those on the margins--led him to march into the heart of empire. Just three days before Trans Day of Visibility, Palm Sunday is an opportunity to be in solidarity with trans people in CCJ whose lives are holy and who deserve safety and care.
On MAUNDY THURSDAY, we invite you to worship at home around the dinner table. This intimate setting recalls Jesus's last supper with his friends, the meal of freedom shared with the commandment to love.We will provide a worship video with music and preaching for you to follow along as you eat and worship at home. MIC student Kelsey Johnson is preaching.To participate in our Maundy Thursday Soup and Bread Exchange sign up using our online form by Sunday, March 21st. You can also indicate on that sign up if you'd like to be connected with another person or household to worship together on Zoom.
On GOOD FRIDAY, worship focuses on the sorrow and triumph of the cross. A special worship video for children will be shared on our Facebook and YouTube at 10 a.m. Online Worship will be on Facebook and YouTube at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday is the VIGIL OF EASTER, the great recounting of God's salvation history. Join us at 5:00 p.m. on Zoom for worship with fire, stories, and communion.Zoom information for Easter Vigil:Online: Click here to join the online meetingPhone: +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)Meeting ID: 882 0654 2172Passcode: 133219
EASTER SUNDAY worship will be at 10:10 a.m. on Facebook and YouTube.Join us after worship for Holy Communion and Resurrection Celebration. Stop by church (3325 W Wrightwood) anytime between 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. to receive communion and celebrate together. Festive attire is encouraged! We will gather outdoors; masks and social distancing are required. In case of rain, we’ll welcome you inside but limit the size of the group to no more than 10 people or three households.