a sermon for beholding and abiding
"If we take our full selves with us this evening to the proximity of the cross, we might ask how an unjust legal system and police forces continue to murder African-American males, including Stephon Clark? Or how xenophobia continues to sow distrust, anger, hate amongst God’s creation? Or how a sibling look can another sibling and say: you do not belong because of your sexuality."
Holy Week & the Three Days
The Three Days: this is the highlight of the church year. The most ancient of our worship practices, the Triduum (meaning “three days”) is three separate gatherings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday that make up one service. Each time we meet there is a distinctly different feel and focus.
Sermon: Friday, March 25, 2016: Good Friday
He had called this man so many names: Rabbi, Messiah, Christ, The Holy One of God. There was more to Jesus than Peter could ever name, and now this man that he devoted his life to was marching toward certain death. So, he stayed there at the gate and waited and watched.
The Three Days: Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil
The story of these three days is our story. Reborn in the waters of baptism, we are sent into the world for lives of costly service, but we are not sent alone. So we gather on these nights with those who are preparing to receive the gift of baptism to remember a supper spent with friends, testimony offered the face of empire, and the God of salvation whose story is as old as creation.