January Thanksgiving: Reunite, Refresh, Reimagine - Rejoice
Over the past months, the many spirit-filled, critically aware, and faithful conversations ignited by the St. Luke’s community as part of St. Luke’s Reunite, Refresh, Reimagine campaign have underscored the need for a fourth verb: Rejoice. As we embark on what 2022 has to offer, St. Luke’s Council rejoices in thanksgiving to everyone in our community who has contributed to what has marked the beginning of a larger visioning and discernment process. Collected from the series of small group conversations, the town hall in December, and the assorted input from members and friends are but contained refractions of the fertile passion and complexity of perspectives and ideas that make St. Luke’s community rich. Moreover, these conversations helped to highlight the myriad ways—both known and unknown—that members from all aspects of our community have contributed to the welcome, if challenging, return to in-person activities. No deed or prayer has been too small to have made an impact: from the work of sacristans, ushers, mask-wearers, worship assistants, treasurers, singers, committee and task-force members, children, interns, building fixer-uppers, generous donors, and those who have simply shown up for worship, either in-person or online. We are grateful for the work each one of you have contributed, simply by your presence in our community, and for so much more.