Public Action for Affordable Housing
Despite overwhelming community opposition to luxury developments at Lathrop Homes, the Milwaukee Twin Towers near the California Blue Line and increased public pressure for actual affordable housing in the First Ward and Chicago, Joe Moreno has consistently ignored the community’s demands. San Lucas UCC recently joined the efforts of SOMOS to make housing genuinely affordable and accessible in our community. We at San Lucas do not believe God sanctions gentrification because we walk with congregation members and neighbors experiencing displacement and its devastation on our families.
Justice Offering May 2016
This week's social justice offering will go to Community Dinners, the meal program in Logan Square led by our own Christa Creps to feed the well-fed and under-fed with both food and community.
Can We Be a Multicultural Church?
Conversations about race have been going on in our country since the beginning. What constructive roles can our church play in these conversations, and these conversations in our church? Let's Talk ( asks these questions and more.
Planning for Pride 2016
This meeting will focus on an overview of the process, and generate your leadings for themes, worship, parade day events and anything else.
Community Dinners
Every week at 5pm, we serve a meal and eat with our neighbors, the well-fed and the underfed.