Church Community Builder FAQs
Is my profile complete?
No. In fact, it still needs some information from you in order for the site to function properly. You can edit your profile by clicking on your name at the top right corner and selecting “Edit Profile” from the drop-down menu. You will be taken to a page where you can change or add any information about yourself. There are several different sections that you can edit, all of which are listed at the top of the page in a blue bar. It is important that all of the information is accurate and complete to your preferences.
What is “My Fit”?
When filling out your profile, you will see a tab marked “My Fit.” Listed under this tab is an assortment of spiritual gifts, passions, and abilities which help to determine how you might best serve the church in worship or in other opportunities for service outside the church walls. Certain traits are tied to certain roles (for instance, someone who selects “Creative Communication” under the Gifts column might fit well as a Lector). When volunteering to sign up for roles, the software will show you which positions might be a good “fit” based on your selections. However, everyone is encouraged to volunteer for any position regardless of your Fit.
What are the different “My Fit” Personality Styles and why can I only choose one?
Some aspects of Church Community Builder (CCB) are adaptable, and others are fixed. While “Personality Style” is a fixed category that we could not remove, the options within that category are adaptable. Therefore, we have chosen to include personality styles based upon the Holland Occupational Themes, which are a set of personality types that aid in the discernment of vocation. We have chosen to use them as personality options for “My Fit” because they were developed with the idea that a person’s personality type is meaningfully connected to experiences of satisfaction with various types of work. CCB’s software only allows users to select one personality style. If you are interested in learning more about the Holland Codes, visit this website: You are also very welcome to leave this field blank.
How do I volunteer for roles in worship?
To volunteer for roles in worship, click on the “Serve” icon (a heart) in the navigation bar on the left side of your screen. You will be taken to a page that shows you some of the roles for which you may volunteer, based upon your Fit. To see those positions that might not align with your Fit, click on the “Filter By” drop-down menu and clicking “Browse All.” This will allow you to view all the positions that are available church-wide. To volunteer for a position, simply click the “Volunteer” icon on the right side of the position description. From here you can also see more about what the role entails and you can email that role’s leader if you have any questions or concerns about your ability to fulfill the role. To stop volunteering for a role, click the name of the position and then select the “Resign” button on the top right of the page.
Here is a video that might help by walking through this process visually:
How will I know that someone has requested that I fill a role?
A red notification will appear over the bell icon at the top of the page when you have an alert from the system. If someone would like you to fill a role in the service, the option “Scheduling Requests” will appear when you click the bell icon. By selecting this, you will be taken to a page that allows you to accept or decline a request to fill a position.
Here is a video that can show you more details about responding to requests to serve:
Who sees what on my profile?
To manage your privacy settings, click on your name at the top right corner of the screen. In the drop-down menu, select “Privacy Settings.” This will take you to a page where you can select which information is visible to everyone, just your “friends,” or just the church leadership. By default, some information will be more visible to the public that other information. Using the different menus on this page, you can decide how private you would like your profile to be.
What does it mean to be “friends” with someone?
You can use the “My Friends” page to quickly navigate to profiles that you regularly visit. When you add someone to your friends list, that person does not receive a notification about the action, and you will not be notified if someone adds you to their friends list. You can also change the privacy settings of your profile to show certain information to only those people on your friends list, as opposed to making it visible to the whole congregation. The people on your friends list must also add you to theirs in order for you to see the information that they have chosen to show only to their friends.
What does it mean to be part of a “group”?
Groups are the online homes of the various groups that gather under the wing of St. Luke’s. Some groups you might already be a part of by default (such as the “Our Church” group, which contains all the members of the congregation), some groups you might be invited to, and some groups you might hear about that you wish to be a part of. In order to hear some group-specific announcements or to be invited to group-specific events (eg. W4 meetings, storytelling events, etc), you must be a part of that group. Some groups are also used to communicate to members regarding roles within worship (eg. “Welcome & Hospitality,” “Worship Musicians,” etc). To request to join or leave a group, simply click the button at the top right corner of the page for that group.
I want to form an online group and/or become a group leader. What should I do?
Groups must be made by website administrators. In order to create an online presence for a group you lead or would like to lead in the church, contact either Pastor Erik or our Administrative Assistant, Claire Schoepp. If you would like to become a leader or assistant leader of an already established group, you must request that the current leader change your status within the group.
I want to create an event. What should I do?
Only leaders of groups can create an event, so if you are interested in managing the calendar events for a group, be sure to request to be made a group leader. You can create events by clicking on the calendar icon at the top right of the page, which will take you to the church calendar. From here you can click “Add event” on whichever day you plan to hold it. It will prompt you through a few screens regarding the details of the event, including one that asks if you need to request space (such as the church) or not. If your event will need to take place in the church, it must be approved by Claire before it gets published to the calendar.
How can I send an email to someone in the congregation?
You can send an email to someone by visiting their profile page and clicking on the “Send an email” link under the “Actions” column on the right. You can send an email to multiple members of the congregation by using the “Mail Merges” page listed in the toolbar on the left side of the page.
How do I sign up for email and text notifications?
To manage your communication settings, click on your name at the top right corner and then select “Communication Settings” from the drop-down menu. Here you can decide which groups contact you via email and/or text messaging. Be sure to check whether or not the church has your correct email address at the bottom of the page. In order for you to receive text messages, the church must know your mobile carrier. This field is located under the “Basic” tab when you edit your profile.