LGBTQ Book Studies
To kick-off our LGBTQ Justice campaign, we are hoping to hold two book studies in March. We hope you'll indicate your interest by signing up.
Teaching the Faith
How did you become a Christian? Who passed on to you what they in turn had received from others? Who have been your teachers in the faith? Whose words, actions, witness or example have you followed as you practiced your faith?
Table Talk: Masculinities
What does it mean to "be a man?" How do traditional understandings of masculinity and femininity affect relationships, culture, and society at large? Was Jesus a "manly man?"
Testimony on Third Sunday after Epiphany | Eric Halvorson
I couldn’t pray because deep down I just didn’t believe it was going anywhere, or that I would ever know if it was doing any good. I was totally done, and I was hurt, and I broke up with Jesus (loudly, in the chapel, flailing my fists)...