Justice Offering Supports Lutheran Volunteer Corps!
St. Luke's will also welcome the volunteers at an upcoming worship service.
LSEA Wants You!
In recent months, LSEA has taken several steps to make it easier for lay members to become involved in and help lead LSEA, including several Saturday introductory and training sessions. Now, LSEA has decided to an evening time for its monthly meetings, so that it will be easier for everyone to participate.
Celebrating Our Extraordinary Ministries!
We will be welcoming members of the ELM staff and board of directors this Sunday, along with friends and supporters, to our worship. Executive Director Amalia Vagts will preach. The Rev. Jen Rude will assist, and board member Margaret Moreland will be a reader within our service. We will be taking up a justice offering to support ELM's on-going ministry as they continue to support and advocate for the full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the life and ministry of the Lutheran church. There will be a light coffee hour reception in the narthex immediately following worship, and all who would like are invited to join Pastor Erik and our guests for an informal brunch at El Cid afterward.
"We Who Are Many Are One: From the Lord's Table to Every Table"
Next Sunday, March 29th, is Palm Sunday. As we have done for many years, we’ll be starting worship 15 minutes early for an ecumenical blessing of the palms with our neighbors at Episcopal Church of the Advent. This year we’ll also be joined by their sister parish, Nuestra Señora de las Americas (NSA).
March Social Justice Offering
This month’s social justice offering will be collected this Sunday, March 8 and will go to ARISE Chicago, an organization that builds partnerships between faith communities and workers to fight workplace injustice through education, organizing, and advocating for public policy changes.