ELCA to join AME Church Sept. 6 for prayer, commitment to end racism
"The act of repentance is a turning away from former actions that lead to death, division and destruction and called into a new relationship that breaths and gives life. I hope this call for action leads us to see the injustices, disadvantages and absence of relationships across race in both congregational life and society,” said Roberts.
Farewell Rummage Sale
Featured will be our traditional rummage and homemade baked goods along with building items not being moved to our new location. This event promises to be especially exciting with many unique bargains!
Join the LSEA in making a local impact!
At our last meeting we identified three local justice issues that are a high priority: 1.) Housing Insecurity (Homelessness and Displacement), 2.)Poverty (Wages and Income Inequality), 3.) Education (School Closures and Funding Inequality)In preparation for July 28th we've invited everyone to bring answers to the following questions ...
New Working Groups for a Time of Transition
To mark St. Luke's transition out of this building into a new space, we are establishing three short term working groups to help celebrate and honor this important time in our journey together. These working groups are an excellent way for members new and long-time to contribute a small amount of energy at a time when we need all hands on deck. Please consider participating in one of these projects.